
Winter Grade Fuels

Keeping your business running all year round.   

Summer grade fuel left in tanks over winter can start to ‘wax’ because of cold and harsh weather. WCF Fuels North West supply our Winter grade fuel starting in November and finishing in March. This contains additives that lower the temperature where fuel would normally begin to wax. It will also help to protect your fuel and machinery, even in freezing temperatures.

What causes the wax to form?

All diesel fuel contains paraffin, it is the paraffin content that gives diesel the high cetane number that makes for efficient combustion. Normally, the paraffin is dissolved in the fuel, however, when the weather turns cold, cooling the gas oil left in machinery and vehicles these paraffin molecules start to form crystals and solidify. If the temperature is low enough, larger crystals form and cause filters to become blocked, in more extreme cases the narrow bore pipework can become blocked, stopping the engine from receiving the fuel it needs.   

How can I tell if my fuel is starting to wax?

If wax crystals have formed in your fuel and has a milky or a cloudy appearance, then this is indicating a wax build-up. You can also notice ‘waxing’ in your agricultural vehicles, for example if your engine is starting to stutter, stall or fails to start.

When is winter grade fuel available? 

Winter grade fuel is available from 1st November to mid-March aligning with the colder months when protecting your gas oil against ‘waxing’ is critical. 

What if I have a large volume of summer-grade fuel left? 

We advise that the entire volume of your tank meets winter specifications. If you have lots of summer-grade gas oil left as winter approaches, you should consider adding an anti-wax additive that will work to prevent wax crystallisation and lower the CFPP of your fuel. You will need to use this product before the cold temperatures hit, otherwise, it will not take effect. If you only need one gas oil delivery a year, use winter-grade fuel and ensure it will last until the following winter season. 

What other precautions can I take to protect my fuel in colder weather?

Fuel storage plays an important role in reducing the formation of paraffin crystals in your gas oil. By insulating your tank, filters and pipelines you can help your fuel stay in good condition during poor weather. 

How do I know my gas oil meets winter grade standards? 

The cold filter plugging point (CFPP) is used for all European gas oil to measure its resistance to cold temperatures. Laboratory testing involves gradually cooling a sample down and drawing it through a fine mesh filter at every degree Celsius. The temperature at which the filter blocks is the CFPP point, and this figure determines the cold weather performance of the fuel. Winter grade British Standard BS 2869 has a CFPP specification of -12°C maximum.

Winter grade fuel can be used all year round, however, summer grade diesel is optimised for only the summer months due to its slightly higher viscosity. We always recommend that our customers take steps to mitigate issues during winter, our friendly, award winning team will be able to assist you where needed and give the best possible advice needed. Give them a call today on 01524 733669 or email us at sales@wcfnw.co.uk  

WCF North West Heating oil - Keeping you warm

With our dedicated services to all domestic homeowners, commercial businesses and agricultural farms across Lancashire, Cumbria, and Cheshire, WCF North West is here for you with our second-to-none services.

 For over 80 years, WCF North West has supplied homes, businesses, and farms throughout the North West with the best prices available. Whether you need home heating oil, bulk diesel, or gas oil, this is the service for you! From depot to depot our hardworking team is committed to providing you the best customer experience possible, through delivering great value for money and going above and beyond expectations. We also offer exclusive deals and brilliant schemes all year round to keep your trust in us at a high, such deals include: recommending a friend and schemes such as the winter priority delivery, which ensures priority delivery to our elderly and most vulnerable customers.  

WCF North West also offers suitable and flexible payment plans to our customers, we are here to serve you!